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Highlights of Michele's Accomplishments 


Budgets and Taxes: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 City Adopted Budgets fund essential services with a continued stability in property taxes. 2013, 2016, 2017 and 2018 Budgets provided a property tax decrease. Accurate budgeting avoids unnecessary tax increases and expense reductions.


During my administration the DPW Water and Sewer Funds paid back the City Operating Budget and the taxpayers over $1.8 Million in loans that were provided to these Funds by prior administrations

throughout 1990 – 2010. For the first time ever the Water and Sewer Funds operate with healthy Fund Balances allowing DPW to work on infrastructure projects without the need for bonding.


Took advantage of record low interest rates due to our strong bond rating of AA+ in

2014 and again in 2018 to refinance several of the city’s bonds, leading savings of over $5.9 million for taxpayers. City Reserves and Fund Balances remained healthy and strong – Bond Rating AA+ since 2013


Groundbreaking occurred in 2014 on one of two parcels set aside from the cities in-

rem foreclosure process – this was the parcel on Division Street. Groundbreaking occurred on the 2nd parcel, a duplex on Cherry Street. The homes were set aside for affordable housing projects with Habitat for Humanity and Saratoga Builder. Net result is 3 new affordable homes in our city. Michele also worked to provide funding to go toward receiving state tax incentives for Affordable Housing projects on South Broadway and with the Saratoga Springs Housing Authority.


The groundbreaking of the 2.5MW Spa Solar Park took place in September of 2017 on

the City’s Weibel Avenue Landfill. This solar array, which includes 7992 state of the art solar panels, has generated 3.6M KW hours of electricity and a 108,000 gallon reduction of fuel. 1.3million trees worth of CO2 has been offset. This array generates 40% of the city’s energy needs (we have 19 separate city utility bills that our solar use covers).


Created a Commission that consists of various CIOs throughout the city to assist with leading the city on technology projects of the future – Smart Parking, Public WiFi (which we now have in Congress Park and City Hall), Creative Makerspaces, Electric Vehicles, and more. 


• In 2015, in partnership with the SPA State Park & Rec, I oversaw the construction of a safe, fenced

in dog park area at the intersection of Crescent and South Broadway

• Automated Time and Attendance Program has been implemented for all departments at City Hall.

• Completed a complete overhaul of the city website, The Empire Center and TU announced it was

one of the top 3 best websites in the capital district region including transparency of budget


• Online Payment of Taxes and Utilities

• Conducted a city-wide Revenue Study

• Economic Development Initiatives with UPH, Saratoga Performing Arts Center, etc.

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